The Destiny of Gen X

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The birthing travail of the previous evening prepared the ground for the Lord to begin to deal the heart of Gen X.  Gen X (born c.1965-1979) have a divine destiny as an intergenerational bridge and a deep longing to see the Church restored to God’s original intent:  not as a vision-driven corporation but a family, united in intimate fellowship with the Father and filled with such unconditional love one for another that we become a homing beacon for a lost and dying world.

Many Gen Xers have tried to walk relationally in function-based ministry and they experienced rejection and wounding.  Disillusioned and wearied, they retreated into a self -imposed exile, physically and/or emotionally disconnecting from the rest of the body.  They love God, but they refuse to darken the door of a church.  Still others abandoned the faith entirely.  

But God wanted Gen X to know that the suffering and pain many had experienced in church systems and the delay in being released was not for their destruction, but for their perfecting.  God in his mercy has been seeking to refine and prepare Gen X to be the broken leaders He needs in His kingdom in this hour.  So the biggest issue hindering the Gen Xers from being fully released is not their suffering or brokenness, it’s how they responded to it.  Many Gen Xers used suffering as a justification for “abandoning ship” – leaving churches, isolating and separating themselves from the Body. As such they have been “absent without leave” from the army – leaving due to pain and disillusionment and not the command of the Lord.  And instead of using the vision God gave them, of the church as a family not an institution, to fuel their intercession, instead they became judgmental, critical and accusatory, especially towards the older generation leadership. 

So God revealed that the key issue for Gen X being released is to acknowledge that they have sinned against God, first and foremost and that He is looking for a remnant, with a different spirit.  Those who are willing to stand in the gap and repent for this “falling away” in their generation so that they might be restored into right alignment with God and take their place as the bridge between the generations that God has intended them to be.

The Gen X responded with deep hearts of repentance after which they released a call with one voice to the rest of their generation.  “Hear the word of the Lord, Gen X – Come let us return to the Lord,  He has torn us to piece but He will heal us, He has injured us  but he will bind up our wounds”

Listen:  The Destiny of Gen X  (right click on link  to download file) or play here