The Command to March

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As the Friday evening meeting began, the team felt the fathers and mothers were to stand onstage behind the worship team (Gen Xers and Millenials) to make a statement in the Spirit that the older generation is covering the younger and prepared to follow them as they follow the Lord.  As this happened there was a perceptible shift in the atmosphere and a spirit of joy and safety pervaded the room as we began to worship. 

As the worship entered into its second hour, suddenly a cry came forth, like a distant wailing from one of the worship team.  A strong spirit of travail descended and all the Gen X  present moved into travailing worship as the older generations surrounded them covering and protecting.   After an intense time of pressing in, there was a breakthrough from which a spirit of militancy arose.  “Arise!  Arise! 1-2 3 March!” the command rang out from the Lord through the worship team  Immediately clusters of generations grabbed each other’s arms and began marching together around the room, prophetically responding to the Lord’s call to align ourselves as One Body under One Head.

Listen:   123 March!  (right click on link  to download file) or play here