Restoring Honour to the Fathers

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After the morning repentance, the Gen X met together over lunch and the Lord witnessed to our hearts about the importance of restoring honour to the fathers.  Honour is a deep spiritual principle and the culture of honour was ripped from the foundation of Western society in the rebellion of the 1960s.  

There are many faithful boomers and builders – forerunning visionaries whose hearts yearn for the presence of God and who have sacrificed much to prepare a resting place for the Lord.  Many were touched at a young age in the culture-shaking Jesus movement and from this they carried dreams and promises from the Lord.  But then years of “desert wandering” ensued during which they had to remain faithful in the “desert” of religious systems that demanded performance and elevated human measures of success (how many people are in your congregation, the size of your budget) above pleasing God and experiencing His glory.  Years of “swimming upstream” like this has brought a kind of hopeless and resignation to their hearts.

So the Lord prompted Gen Xers that the first act He wanted them to do collectively as a generation was to restore hope and honour to these fathers and mothers. So each gen Xer took a spring flower (the room had been decorated with many spring flowers) and prophetically presented it to someone from the older generation as they sang to them:

Come away with me, come away with me

It’s never too late, it’s not too late, it’s not too late for

God has a plan for us, God has a plan for us

It’s gonna be wild, it’s gonna be great

It’s going to be full of Him

The resting presence and favour of God enveloped the room during this beautiful time of healing and blessing between the generations that was sealed by us taking communion together – thanking the Lord for His blood that was shed and body that was broken to restore His dream of a true family and a home.

Listen:  Lord You're Beautiful- worship (right click on link  to download file) or play here

Listen:  Restoring Honour to the Fathers (right click on link  to download file) or play here